Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Aussie beaches

On Tuesday we listened to Adventures of an Australian Teacher, Dangers of the Beach. T learn more about this topic, go to Time4English and do all the exercises on Lower intermediate , 8 Living in Australia.

Blog Portfolio
Everyone should have completed most of the blogging work (which is part of our course, as it includes reading, writing, listening & speaking).

You can use this Checklist to get direct access to most of the tasks. You need to have done most of the reading, writing and speaking tasks. The listening (podcasts) are there to give you an idea of different possibilities. You have to listen to at least 4, including the librarian.

Those students who haven't recorded their personal narratice, Belongings, yet, please ask Rosa to help you with it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Migrant Stories

Click on the first photo to see Marion's beautiful smilebox

Well done AMEP-A & B! You produced a very interesting podcast on our Sculpture by the Sea excursion. Listen to it here (or here if you are at home). Send a link to your friends and relatives and be proud of your English skills!

Coming to Australia is a section currently on ABC local radio. It's being broadcast every morning this week on Adam Spencer's program (702 am).

Listen to this segment: Coming to Australia from Iran.

Then answer the questions here. Write you answer to the last question in your blog. Then choose another migrant story from the same program and write about it in your blog as well.

Catch up work
Opinion texts on smoking & Physical punishment
Belongings text & voicethread

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sculpture by the Sea

Every year Sydneysiders are presented a spectacular international art exhibition, Scultpure by the Sea. Last Tuesday our two AMEP classes (A & B) went to see it. We were very fortunate with the weather, but I wont' tell you any more about it. Visit our students' blogs and read their recounts about the day.

So, class, this is what you have to do today:
  • recount about the day
  • description of your assignated sculpture and your opinion about it
  • talk about your favourite sculpture/s
  • Add photos or an album
  • Chose a photo of you and a sculpture and enter the abc competition
  • Listen to what other visitors thought here
  • read this newspaper article about one of the winners, Mona Aghababaee. What do you think about this item of news?

Catch up work:

  • go to the forum and write your opinion on disciplining children
  • write an opinion text about physical punishment
  • write a letter to the editor about smoking

Saturday, November 7, 2009

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