Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last day of course!

Hi all,

Today we come to the end of our time together learning English, sharing ideas, interviewing each other (I didn't want to be in it, but you cleverly made me participate!) and even getting emotional a couple of times.

Yesterday we had our end of the course party. Thanks so much for your beautiful food. I thought Lina's cake would make a good goodbye picture.

But there is still work to do, so let's start.
  • Publish the recipe of your party dish, as promised
  • Publish a couple photos with a recount of what we did OR
  • Make a movie with Photo Story 3 or Windows Movie Maker
  • Fill in your blog portfolio checklist with as many ticks as possible and give it to me
  • Print this blog evaluation table. Read it carefully and highlight the level you think you have achieved. This will help you assess your progress and give you goals for your future English learning.
  • Finally, as today is the last lesson of our course, I would like to ask you to complete a survey about how the course was delivered and what you think about it, Click here to take the course evaluation survey. Answer the questions on line. You don't have to write your name (it's anonymous). It will help us, teachers, design better classes for next year.
For the holidays:
  • Check our podcasting blogs for your radio programs and Michael's interview about his father the Town Crier
  • Read each other's blogs and write comments to every one
  • Keep publishing posts about your holidays, opinions, etc
  • Check all the ESL links
  • Listen to the news (BTN, for example)
  • Listen to podcasts (eg Let's Talk, Splendid Speaking)
  • Watch videos in English
  • Go out and discover new places in Sydney
  • Catch a train and go to the Blue Mountains
  • Drive with your family to a National Park or a beautiful beach down the south coast or north coast
  • Have fun!


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